And So It Goes

There is something to be said about separating religion and politics. There are too many cooks and not enough chefs in the kitchen. Instead of our President doing his job, he’s allowing congress to do it for him. It’s something to be said when he can’t do his job on his own. Just my thought. We all differ in opinions and I welcome anyone’s opinions. For the most part I try to be bipartisan, but there are a few issues that I have strong opinions on and I have no problem with ideas differing from mine. Although I would like to give people something to think about, I’m not against opinions that differ. Religion and politics, two things that most would say is not a good idea to mix. I happen to agree, because when you think about it, does it really matter if your governor or mayor is a christian or a buddist monk? The same could be said about sexual orientation. If the government or the church are not in the bedroom with you, its not their business. Just my humble thought.