Hospitals and All That Fun Stuff

So, sitting in a hospital can get you thinking. The usual three questions. What am I doing here? What did I do to get here? and of course When can I go home? If your like me, you know that the reason for being as well as being in the hospital is the same. I’m here because my doctor made me. I am one of those “lucky” individuals who have seizures, hence me having to do testing to see if they can prevent them. Not my idea of a fun week. Being bored sitting in a hospital bed for hours is not exactly my cup of tea. On the other hand I do have to say that the food has been a vast improvement to what the Military hospitals would give you. I much prefer regular hospital food to MRES. I had enough when I was in the military, and they weren’t all that great. I would love to give critiques on how to make a hospital stay better. Although some of the things I would suggest the doctors wouldn’t really appreciate. The problem is that everyone seems to think that you have to have “healthy” things in the hospital. This means no cigarettes, a cut back on salt and next to no soft drinks. Now none of that works for me. I have no desire to quit smoking, I love my Dr Pepper and I think I would have a fit without salt on my food. Unfortunately, my doc and I don’t agree on my diet. Instead you get told to lose weight, cut back on the salt, and learn to give up smoking. I hate this but, its just life. Life is not easy or even slightly sane.